Why do we need to drink water everyday?
Water is essential to the human body. Plain water is by far the best choice for daily hydration.
The body of a human adult is about 60% water(1). It performs many critical physiological functions in the human body. It also carries nutrients and waste products, a thermoregulatory and a lubricant. Staying hydrated is contributing to well-being.
Why drink water ?
We can drink Juices or sugar-sweetened beverages, but not all day. They are full of calories, which may impact health when over consumed. Since it contains no sugar or calories, plain water should be THE choice for daily hydration.
Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to properly work. Our body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste. And lubricate your joints. We need water for good health.
Most people have know they should drink 6 to 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day. That is a reasonable goal. Yet, different people need different amounts of water to stay hydrated. Healthy people can stay well hydrated by drinking water. And other fluids whenever they feel thirsty. For some people, fewer than 8 glasses may be enough. Other people may need more than 8 glasses each day. If you’re concerned that you are not drinking enough water, check your urine. If your urine is usually colorless or light yellow, you are well hydrated. If your urine is a dark yellow or amber color, you’re dehydrated.
How do I know if I’m not drinking enough water?
The best way to spot dehydration is to pay attention to the warning signs. If you experience any of these, your body might be trying to tell you to drink up:
Things to consider:
Little or no urine.
Urine that is darker than usual.
Dry mouth.
Sleepiness or fatigue.
Extreme thirst.
Dizziness or lightheadedness.
No tears when crying
Don’t wait until you notice symptoms of dehydration to take action. Prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water.
If staying hydrated is difficult for you, here are some tips that can help:
Keep a bottle of water with you during the day. To reduce your costs, carry a reusable water bottle and fill it with tap water.
If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your drink.
Drink water before, during, and after a workout.
When you’re feeling hungry, drink water. Thirst is often confused with hunger. True hunger will not be satisfied by drinking water. Drinking water may also contribute to a healthy weight-loss plan. Some research suggests that drinking water can help you feel full.
If you have trouble remembering to drink water, drink on a schedule. For example, drink water when you wake up, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and when you go to bed. Or, drink a small glass of water at the beginning of each hour.
Drink water when you go to a restaurant. It will keep you hydrated, and it’s free.
Some people are at higher risk of dehydration.
People who exercise at a high intensity (or in hot weather) for too long. Persons that have certain medical conditions. Pregnant or breastfeeding mom. Those who are trying to lose weight, or are not able to get enough fluids during the day. Older adults are also at higher risk. As you get older, your brain may not be able to sense dehydration. It doesn’t send signals for thirst.
Water makes up more than half of your body weight.
You lose water each day when you go to the bathroom, sweat, and even when you breathe. You lose water even faster when the weather is hot, when you are physically active, or if you have a fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to rapid water loss. If you don’t replace the water you lose, you can become dehydrated.
Did you know
Mild dehydration may occur when only 1-2% of body weight is lost due to insufficient water intake.